NWST Saturday Junior Competition
We welcome juniors (school students) aged 8-18 years old from the north-west of Sydney to join our Saturday Junior Competitions (SJCs). Our SJCs are timed around the NSW school terms and the entry cost is only $120 per term, which includes membership to North West Sydney Tennis (ETDTA) until the end of the corresponding financial year. By joining our Saturday Junior comp you are entering the pathway for juniors enabling you to be chosen to play for NWST in the 2025 NSW Hardcourt Interdistrict Competition. The majority of SJC matches will be played at Pennant Hills Park, however, if needed, we may place a team at the Midson Road courts in Epping or the Cedarwood Park courts in Cherrybrook.
Saturday Junior Competition Term 2 2025 General Info
- $120 registration fee.
- 3 x 2 hour timeslots (8am, 10am, and 3pm), each with multiple divisions.
- Starts on the 3rd of May and ends on the 28th of June.
- Players will be placed into teams of two, and will play two singles and one doubles match per round.
To Join
We use the program Xpoint, through which the competition is run, as our registration potal. See intructions below on how to register, as the process varies for new and returning players:
New players (have not played since SJC term 3 2024):
- Attend a grading session, DATES TBD.
- After grading, email us (info@northwestsydneytennis.com.au) to obtain a unique membership number.
- Register via Xpoint. If you are a new player you will need to create an account.
Returning Players (have played since SJC term 2 2024):
- Simply log into Xpoint and register.
When registering via Xpoint:
- Select your preferred timeslot.
- Complete the registration steps as prompted.
- If you have any preferences regarding partners, please email us and we will do our best to accomodate.
Active Kids Vouchers are accepted (https://youtu.be/fyBGFXeNk4E). Email your certificate with your child's date of birth to info@northwestsydneytennis.com.au.
Note that during the registration process it will ask for your 'TennisID' number. This is just your North West Sydney Tennis membership number that you would have used to register in the past. If you have forgotten your membership number, simply drop us an email and we can find it for you.
To register for SJC term 2 2025, please click here!
To register for SJC term 2 2025 GRADING, please click here!
Important Information
Each timeslot will be graded.
Grading is based on many factors including past junior comps, UTR, and internal and external tournament results.
Comp organisers set up a balance of players within each division. As necessary, throughout the comp, players and divisions may be rearranged by comp organiser. Decision on pairing and teams is made by the comp organisers and this decision is final. This junior competiton is strickly based on ability, noting divisions are not based on age or gender.
You are not required to request a playing partner and requesting a partner is not guaranteed. Comp organisers set up teams for a balanced division. As each team is graded, it is the comp organisers making the final decision to compile teams. Please email organisers prior to registration closing date if you won't play this comp without your chosen partner. To avoid disappointment, please do not submit requests as they cannot be guaranteed.
Registering in this comp, you are committing to be available to play every match. If you unable to play a match, you are required to arrange a substitute player.
Bye/Substitute Player
Every draw includes one team as BYE/SUB players. Please keep this date available to play right up until match commencement time. PLEASE don't make social plans, keep it free to fill in for your division and/or to play at another timeslot.
Every division is allocated reserve players. You may be placed on the reserve player list.
Xpoint and UTR
We use Xpoint Sports which will be of benefit to all of our juniors and giving guidance on grading for play in our competition and other competitions they may play in.
This online system will allow players to input their own scores online post match.
It also means that results through the Xpoint system will contribute to a players Universal Tennis Rating (UTR).
UTR is calculated by an algorithm using a player's last 30 eligible match scores from the last 12 months.
The results will typically be visible on the UTR platform within 14 days of the match results being entered into Xpoint. Please head to the Xpoint Sports website, familarise yourself with this program and you must keep your profile up-to-date.
Emails for this comp will be sent from noreply@XpointSports. Occasionally, we will send information from info@northwestsydneytennis.com.au.
Updates to UTR are handled automatically by the Xpoint platform and Oracle Corporation. NWST cannot affect the speed at which match results are updated on the UTR website. Please be patient.
If you have any questions, please email your query to info@northwestsydneytennis.com.au.
NWST Sunday Orange & Green Ball Junior Competitions
We are now running Green and Orange ball singles competitons from 9am-11am on Sunday mornings. If this is something that interests you, please email info@northwestsydneytennis.com.au to obtain more details.